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Get an insight into our German partners’ offices - SSP NORTH.

Get an insight into our German partners’ offices

Get an insight into our German partners’ offices. SSP Safety System Product GmbH is our closest partner and our biggest resellers of Safety Simplifier. SSP North is partly owned...

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A wireless Safety PLC - SSP NORTH.

A wireless Safety PLC

A short video introducing to a wireless Safety Simplifier PLC. Safety Simplifier is designed to replays a control cabinet, and to make it possible to plug-in-play Safety solution according...

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We welcome Lukas and Jacob - SSP NORTH.

We welcome Lukas and Jacob

Lukas and Jacob from the Chalmers University of Technology will be at SSP North in the spring to do a master thesis for SSP North on the market. Lukas...

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Looking for a place to do your master’s in technical, business, or marketing? - SSP NORTH.

Looking for a place to do your master’s in technical, business, or marketing?

We are looking for students who want to do their examinations work with us in the spring of 2021. The work is about investigating the market needs in Machine...

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Highest safety level with wireless cable - SSP NORTH.

Highest safety level with wireless cable

Do you need a wireless connection to highest safety level? Just connect the wires you need to have wirelessy to Safety Simplifiers on each end. The wireless safety connection...

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Biggest market is Germany - SSP NORTH.

Biggest market is Germany

Our biggest market is Germany. The most installations of Safety Simplifier are on the German market, both indoor and outdoor. It is our partners at SSP in Germany who...

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The first installation was a big challenge - SSP NORTH.

The first installation was a big challenge

The first installation in Norway was a big challenge for us. Our partner in Norway got an inquiry from a company in Norway who needed wireless safety for a...

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Flexible safety concepts for injection moulding machines - SSP NORTH.

Flexible safety concepts for injection moulding machines

Automated injection moulding machines have particularly high demands on safety technology. A performance level of PLe and highly coded safety sensors or switches are the basic prerequisites for such...

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